"I'm winning you with words because I have no other way."

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Please Capitalize Justice.

"So don't go around telling people that we're going to start over... this is what happened to me three years ago, and I lost my home... let him know we're struggling... This is his call, this is what he's done to me... Why have you done this to us?... He wants to protect his job and his interests... serves him right... everything points to him now... So let's go take what's mine... for all this suffering I've got to have something... this is his fault... I want Justice."
-Mr. Charles, the one and only.

I don't know who "he" is, but he sounds like a real tool.
Or at least that's what I thought 3 years ago.
Now I'm just tired.  And it's the kind that makes my mom look sad.  
I'm only 17.  I'm not supposed to be that way yet.  I haven't even been in love before, and she's had 4 kids.

I was mad at dad last week.  But only for a few minutes.  I wrote it down, and then erased it. 
I can't remember exactly what he said... but it felt wrong.
"I want Justice."
He just kept yelling it, over and over again.  
"I want Justice, I want Justice."
And then he cried.
I didn't know what to do.
So I just got real quiet.
And I'll never forget what he said next:
"Set your expectations low, little Charlotte."

"Because no one wants a used napkin."


  1. This was amazing. Everything about it; your an awesome writer.

  2. Talented writer you are
