"I'm winning you with words because I have no other way."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What Doesn't Fit In A Tweet @Peter

Come to me, darling, 
And live so far from here.
And don't forget 
That I'm always willing
To bring you the moon.

I don't know what it feels like to be here.  And really here.  

I can tell from your 140 character message that you're doing just fine without me.  And I want to reply and say I'm doing just fine also, but I can't seem to make it short enough.

But that's okay.  Because I have this hole in my chest.  He's like an old friend.  And when he leaves, I wonder why even he finds me to be a bore. 

And I know I'm not good enough.  I know it because when I face myself in the mirror every morning, my reflection is ashamed of me.  And she looks like she's trying to escape... except she is me.  And you can't escape yourself.

So maybe I'm not doing just fine.  But it's not like I could fit that in a 140 character message either.  Not that you'd care.

Because I've been hungry since birth, and just as lost.  And I wouldn't expect you to understand.  You with your tables and your maps.  And all the other things you never let me touch.

Still, from now until dusk, I'll count the hours until I sleep with my feet on your lap and your breath on my cheek.  And that's what worries me.


  1. "Still, from now until dusk, I'll count the hours until I sleep with my feet on your lap and your breath on my cheek. And that's what worries me." <--- I absolutely love this line. Stolen

  2. And you can't escape yourself.
